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How To Buy Credits - Customer Guide
  1. In order to purchase credits, you must first create a new request for the desired amount. New requests for purchase can be made from the tab "Credits Purchase"
    • The amount for each request is limited from 1 to 250 Cr
    • Each customer can have maximum 5 open requests
  2. After the request was created you receive a on-screen message informing you about the request ID and the amount for which was created. (The request ID is made out of 4 groups of 4 hex digits).
  3. Now you can contact a reseller from our reseller list and discuss with him about payment method. After the details about the payment were clear out, ask the reseller to tag your request.
  4. Now that your request is tagged you proceed with the payment. When you got prove of the payment (Transaction ID for paypal payments, photocopy of Western Union papers for example) inform the reseller about it.
    (We insist that you only pay for tagged requests, as this is prove that the person with who you talked is a reseller on our server. If you pay for an request that was not tagged you do so at your own risk!!!)
  5. After reseller verify your payment to him, he will transfer the credits to your account.
  6. Now, that the request is completed, the request ID it will disapear from list. However a log line will be generate in your credits logs, and your account will displayed an increased balance.
How To Buy Credits - Reseller Guide
  1. After a customer contacts you providing you with a request ID, you search this ID and check the amount requested.
  2. If everything is ok, you press 'Tag Request' button to tag this specific request
  3. After you received payment confimation from customer, you can press 'Transfer Now' Button to transfer the credits to customer.
If you encounter any problems or have any questions please Contact Us
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